
  • The Olympic medals literally contain a part of Paris Daily Edition • July 26, 2024 SUPPORTED BY It’s here: The Summer Olympics kick off today. To keep our community informed about what’s going on at the Games over the next 17 days, we’ll have a Nice News correspondent on the ground in Paris reporting on some of the most inspiring athlete stories. We’ve also added a new “Eyes on Paris” section below, where you’ll find photos, reminders of major events, recaps, and more. Keep scrolling to read today’s special Olympics-focused features (and click…Read more

  • The Olympic medals literally contain a part of Paris Daily Edition • July 26, 2024 SUPPORTED BY It’s here: The Summer Olympics kick off today. To keep our community informed about what’s going on at the Games over the next 17 days, we’ll have a Nice News correspondent on the ground in Paris reporting on some of the most inspiring athlete stories. We’ve also added a new “Eyes on Paris” section below, where you’ll find photos, reminders of major events, recaps, and more. Keep scrolling to read today’s special Olympics-focused features (and click...
  • Barbie released a new inclusive doll Daily Edition • July 25, 2024 SUPPORTED BY Movement is so important for mental and physical health — we write about it all the time — but here’s a reminder that it’s OK if your exercise routine has faltered a bit during this summer’s high temps. Working out amid extreme heat and humidity can pose risks, so Verywell Health compiled a guide to safely staying active in the summer. The gist? Take it easy. Must Reads Let the countdown begin: The Winter Olympics and Paralymics will make their way...
  • What’s exercise snacking? Daily Edition • July 24, 2024 SUPPORTED BY Today is International Self-Care Day, and an opportunity to remind this community that self-care can look different for everyone. In other words, it doesn’t have to mean massages and expensive skin care products. In a recent video, psychologist Raquel Martin delved into some of the nuances surrounding the topic and gave examples of unexpected practices that fall into the self-care bucket for her — it’s worth a watch. Must Reads Nike unveiled the...
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