
  • Japan gears up for self-driving trains Daily Edition • September 14, 2024 SUPPORTED BY Are you taking advantage of all that the technology in your pocket has to offer? Let us put Google Tasks on your radar, an often overlooked but “hugely useful” to-do list manager, per Popular Science. The app has a simple interface for organizing your tasks in one place, and it integrates with your Gmail inbox. Learn how to use the productivity tool. Must Reads The fascinating lowdown on why songs get stuck in your head (and how to get them…Read more

  • Lego bricks are getting more eco-friendly Daily Edition • September 4, 2024 SUPPORTED BY Did you make your bed this morning? Don’t worry, we won’t tell on you if you didn’t, but there are some demonstrated mental health benefits to completing the chore each day. And it just got easier thanks to a hack for putting your duvet cover back on after washing (undoubtedly the worst part of the task). Learn the simple trick, known as the burrito or California roll method. Must Reads This hobby is taking adventurers of all ages to new heights,...
  • Manuka honey might provide natural cancer therapy Daily Edition • September 3, 2024 SUPPORTED BY When life gets a bit hectic, do you ever find yourself imagining a trip to a secluded cabin in the woods — perhaps with a fireplace and no internet connection? That fantasy is infiltrating the travel industry, with, “slow life,” “solo traveling,” and “digital detox challenge” all trending on Pinterest, according to a 2024 report from the social media platform. This “quiet travel” boom, driven largely by younger generations, stands in contrast to...
  • Chocolate’s sustainability “breakthrough” Daily Edition • September 2, 2024 SUPPORTED BY Suicide can be difficult to talk about, but talking about it is the first step to ending it. With September being National Suicide Awareness Month, Nice News’ latest Cause of the Month beneficiary is Stop Soldier Suicide — the only national nonprofit focused solely on solving the issue of suicide among U.S. veterans and service members. The organization has set an aggressive goal to reduce the military suicide rate by 40% no later than 2030, and...
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