

How Gophers Helped Regenerate Life on Mount St. Helens in Just 1 Day Following 1980 Eruption

Washington state’s Mount St. Helens is a popular tourist destination for outdoor enthusiasts — but it’s also an active volcano. When an earthquake caused it to erupt in 1980, the explosion of hot lava and ash destroyed much of the surrounding flora and fauna.  Two years after the event, the area remained largely barren. But […]

How Gophers Helped Regenerate Life on Mount St. Helens in Just 1 Day Following 1980 Eruption Continue Reading »

The Migratory Monarch Butterfly Population Is Soaring in This Tiny Mexican Town

At the Joya Redonda Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary, located at the foothills of two volcanoes in the tiny Mexican town of San Miguel Atlautla, clusters of orange-and-black butterflies roost among oyamel fir trees each winter. The insects’ migration south from colder regions is one of instinct, but their abundance in this particular area is in large

The Migratory Monarch Butterfly Population Is Soaring in This Tiny Mexican Town Continue Reading »

Practical Ways to Become More Eco-Conscious in Your Day-to-Day Life

Growing up, many of us were instilled with some basic principles for not wasting Earth’s resources — don’t run the water while brushing your teeth, recycle your aluminum cans, use cloth napkins rather than paper. But as we hear more and more about the changing climate, it might feel like those habits aren’t making enough

Practical Ways to Become More Eco-Conscious in Your Day-to-Day Life Continue Reading »

From Viral Garbage Videos to Waste Legislation: Anna Sacks Is NYC’s “Trash Walker” — And She Has Some Tips

Before New York City native Anna Sacks turned her attention to cleaning up the five boroughs and beyond, the 33-year-old — who goes by “the Trash Walker” on social media — was on a decidedly different path. “My career journey has been guided in part by trying to find something that has felt inherently meaningful,”

From Viral Garbage Videos to Waste Legislation: Anna Sacks Is NYC’s “Trash Walker” — And She Has Some Tips Continue Reading »

If You Give a Rat a Backpack, He’ll Become a Search-and-Rescue Hero

For a long time, dogs have played an important role in the aftermath of disasters, using their agility and strong sense of smell to aid in search-and-rescue missions. But there’s another, smaller animal that may soon be giving these trusted canines some extra help: rats — African giant pouched rats, to be specific.  Apopo, a

If You Give a Rat a Backpack, He’ll Become a Search-and-Rescue Hero Continue Reading »

Drones Will Soon be Deployed to Clear Trash From Mount Everest, Known as the “World’s Highest Garbage Dump”

Early next year, Mount Everest will undergo a spring cleaning of sorts as heavy lifter drones begin clearing garbage off its snowy slopes, reducing the danger involved when humans undertake the task.  At over 29,000 feet high, Everest is the tallest mountain in the world above sea level, and according to a recent study, erosion

Drones Will Soon be Deployed to Clear Trash From Mount Everest, Known as the “World’s Highest Garbage Dump” Continue Reading »

Through Pop-Up Sewing Lessons, UK Street Stitching Movement Tackles Fast Fashion

In this age of fast fashion, many people don’t give a second thought to tossing a torn shirt or ditching a pair of pants with a broken zipper. But go back in time a few decades, and simply mending what needed repairing would be far more commonplace. With her posse of street sewers who gather

Through Pop-Up Sewing Lessons, UK Street Stitching Movement Tackles Fast Fashion Continue Reading »

How a Simple DIY Rain Garden Can Benefit Your Backyard and the Environment

Heavy rains can leave gardens looking like the aquatic levels in a video game, unhappily turning terrestrial foliage into floating plants. And the runoff from these events can also do damage to the local water supply. There’s an easy, aesthetically pleasing way to harness that extra water, though, and it can benefit your backyard and

How a Simple DIY Rain Garden Can Benefit Your Backyard and the Environment Continue Reading »

How Kamikatsu, Japan, Is on Pace to Become the Country’s First Zero-Waste Town

Nestled in the lush landscape of Japan’s Shikoku island, the small town of Kamikatsu is in the process of achieving a tremendous feat: becoming the nation’s first zero-waste municipality. “Our goal is to develop a town with abundant natural beauty and make it a place where everyone feels happy and can fulfill their respective dreams,”

How Kamikatsu, Japan, Is on Pace to Become the Country’s First Zero-Waste Town Continue Reading »

See All the Winning Images in the 2024 Astronomy Photographer of the Year Contest

The overall winner of the international Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest was announced yesterday, with the title going to Ryan Imperio for his sci-fi-esque shot, “Distorted Shadows of the Moon’s Surface Created by an Annular Eclipse.”  Taken in Odessa, Texas, during the 2023 annular eclipse, the image (above) captures Baily’s beads, which are formed

See All the Winning Images in the 2024 Astronomy Photographer of the Year Contest Continue Reading »

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