

How 11,000 Twins Helped Illustrate the Importance of Making Cities Walkable

Twins present a unique opportunity for scientific study. Their shared genetics and family backgrounds allow researchers to evaluate the differences in their lives more objectively than is possible with people who have fewer factors in common. A new analysis of nearly 11,000 twins made use of this advantage to determine how a person’s environment affects […]

How 11,000 Twins Helped Illustrate the Importance of Making Cities Walkable Continue Reading »

This Tiny Robot Hand Can Snatch Viruses Inside the Body Before They Infect You: See an Illustration

Typically when you get COVID-19, your immune system produces antibodies that block the virus’ spike proteins from infecting your cells further. But what if you could prevent those proteins from attaching in the first place? What if you could just reach a tiny little hand inside your body and *pluck* the harmful virus out before

This Tiny Robot Hand Can Snatch Viruses Inside the Body Before They Infect You: See an Illustration Continue Reading »

Everyone Is Talking About Gut Health Right Now — Why It’s Not Just a Trend

From tummy gummies and digestive drops to de-bloating tips and tricks, your intestines have become the latest wellness frontier in recent years. Due to increased awareness via social media, a ballooning market of pre- and probiotics, and, unfortunately, more cases of gastrointestinal diseases, digestive health is having a moment. The gastrointestinal system, long considered boring,

Everyone Is Talking About Gut Health Right Now — Why It’s Not Just a Trend Continue Reading »

It’s Cold and Flu Season: Try These 6 All-Natural Items to Quell Your Symptoms

With the onset of cooler fall temperatures across much of the United States, it’s unfortunately time to prepare for cold and flu season. While seasonal influenza viruses circulate year-round, rates of the respiratory illness tend to pick up in October, peak in the winter, and ebb in the spring. Many different influenza viruses can cause

It’s Cold and Flu Season: Try These 6 All-Natural Items to Quell Your Symptoms Continue Reading »

Cancer-Detecting “Lollipops” Could Sweeten the Future of Diagnostic Testing 

A lollipop can sweeten a trip to the doctor, no matter your age, and the colorful candies may soon be sweetening a diagnostic process as well. Currently, testing for cancer often involves a biopsy: collecting cells or a small piece of tissue via needle or scalpel and checking for abnormalities — a procedure that can

Cancer-Detecting “Lollipops” Could Sweeten the Future of Diagnostic Testing  Continue Reading »

Pioneering New Children’s Hospital in Zurich Is Designed Like a Miniature Town

An extraordinary new children’s hospital in Zurich is re-envisioning what pediatric care looks like.  Situated at the foot of a hill in the lush Swiss city, the three-story building is designed to function like a miniature town: Medical specialty wings are “neighborhoods” connected by a central “main street” that runs past green courtyards, while the

Pioneering New Children’s Hospital in Zurich Is Designed Like a Miniature Town Continue Reading »

Groundbreaking Device Enables More Accurate Breast Cancer Detection — Minus the Discomfort of Mammograms

Amid updated guidelines and new requirements around breast cancer screenings, a groundbreaking imaging device is facilitating better detection of the disease in its early stages.  Developed by Georgia-based imaging technology company Koning Health, the Koning Vera Breast CT produces high-resolution, 3D photos in seven seconds and doesn’t compress the breasts the way a mammogram does

Groundbreaking Device Enables More Accurate Breast Cancer Detection — Minus the Discomfort of Mammograms Continue Reading »

Mentally Resilient People Live Longer, Study Suggests — Try These Tips to Boost Your Coping Skills

When faced with a challenging circumstance, there are two ways to respond: smile serenely and say, “bring it on,” or throw your hands up and yell, “I can’t cope!”  All right, so maybe a middle ground exists, but unless you’re a zen master, you’ve probably experienced that second reaction at some point in time. Thankfully,

Mentally Resilient People Live Longer, Study Suggests — Try These Tips to Boost Your Coping Skills Continue Reading »

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