
One of the internet’s favorite events is here: the unveiling of the latest Comedy Pet Photo Awards winners. 

The annual competition, now in its fifth consecutive year, is an ode to the silly situations and poses our pets often find themselves in. Creators Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam also aim “to highlight the positive and vital role that pets have in our lives and to encourage engagement around animal welfare.” 

“We’ve had a fantastic competition this year, with so many really good entries from across the globe,” Michelle Wood, who helps run the awards, said in a press release. She added: “In a world that can be hard to fathom, our pets are the one constant in our lives that make sense and are a vital source of support, joy, and sometimes, great hilarity. We would have a competition to celebrate them every single day if we could.”

Sarah Haskell earned the coveted title of Comedy Pet Photographer of the Year for her shot of her nearly 14-year-old pup Hector attempting (and ultimately failing) to use a cat door. She aptly named the photo “Not just for cats!”

© Sarah Haskell/Comedy Pets

“Hector saw the cat do it … so thought he would give it a try,” Haskell explained. “This is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. I can imagine him thinking, ‘But the cat made it look so easy.’ Not so for Hector!” 

As the top winner, she’ll receive a cash prize of 500 pounds, or around $640, a camera bag, and a trophy. Haskell told the competition she plans to use the cash for more camera equipment — and “a bigger cat flap.”  


Scroll down to see the rest of the winning and highly commended images — and consider entering your own pet photos in the 2025 iteration, which will be open for entries next year.  

People’s Choice Award Winner

© Kazutoshi Ono/Comedy Pets


Cat Category Winner

© Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets

“Cat in a trap like Super Mario”

Horse Category Winner

© Debby Thomas/Comedy Pets

“I think I saw a mouse!”

All Other Creatures Category Winner

© Jonathan Casey/Comedy Pets

“The New Rose”

Pets Who Look Most Like Their Owners Category Winner

© Darya Zelentsova/Comedy Pets

“The Proud Pup and his best friend”

Junior Category Winner

© Charlotte Kitchen/Comedy Pets

“Tired Donkey”

Highly Commended Images 

© Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets

“You didn’t hear this from me”

© Julie Smith/Comedy Pets

“I believe I can fly”

© Emma Beardsmore/Comedy Pets

“Nosey Neighbors”

© Vera Faupel/Comedy Pets

“Dancing Queen”

© Sylvia Michel/Comedy Pets

“Peek a boo”

© Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy Pets

“Kitty in the kitchen”

© Sylvia Michel/Comedy Pets

“Everybody was Kung Fu fighting”

© Luiza Ribeiro/Comedy Pets

“Grumpy Dog”
