

Lighted Nets Drastically Reduce Bycatch of Marine Life, Including Sharks and Turtles 

Light-up ocean fishing nets could be a possible solution to saving the lives of endangered and vulnerable marine wildlife around the world. An illuminating study found that attaching LED lights to ocean gillnets drastically reduced total fisheries bycatch, or unintentionally caught species, by 63% — and still maintained the catch rates of targeted fish, according

Lighted Nets Drastically Reduce Bycatch of Marine Life, Including Sharks and Turtles  Continue Reading »

Rope Bridges Are Helping Sloths in Costa Rica Navigate Their Rapidly-Changing Habitat

Speed walking isn’t exactly an option for sloths, which is why these animals have always relied upon a dense forest canopy to navigate their natural habitat safely. An abundance of trees has historically kept sloths relatively protected from threats like cars, electricity lines, and ground-dwelling predators.  But humans have been encroaching upon sloth habitats in

Rope Bridges Are Helping Sloths in Costa Rica Navigate Their Rapidly-Changing Habitat Continue Reading »

Adventurer Twins Embarking on Emission-Free Expedition to Atlantic’s Most Remote Spot

Meet Ross and Hugo Turner, a.k.a. The Turner Twins. They’re professional adventurers who’ve rowed across the Atlantic (netting the duo two world records), scaled Mount Elbrus in Russia, and have traveled to four of the world’s Continental Poles of Inaccessibility — by bicycle and paramotor, no less — to list but a few of their

Adventurer Twins Embarking on Emission-Free Expedition to Atlantic’s Most Remote Spot Continue Reading »

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