

Scientists Make Skin Cells Act 30 Years Younger in Breakthrough Study

In a major achievement in the world of anti-aging science, researchers recently figured out a way to make human skin cells act three decades younger in a lab through genetic rejuvenation. The discovery could lead to serious advancements in wound recovery and other medical realms, including the treatment of genetic diseases.  A key inspiration for […]

Scientists Make Skin Cells Act 30 Years Younger in Breakthrough Study Continue Reading »

New Facility Will Simulate Hurricane-Force Winds to Create Storm-Resistant Housing

Florida knows hurricanes. The Sunshine State has been hit by some of the strongest to ever make landfall in the United States, and it’s home to the International Hurricane Research Center and the Extreme Events Institute, both located at Florida International University (FIU). There, researchers are mimicking tropical cyclones using the Wall of Wind (WOW),

New Facility Will Simulate Hurricane-Force Winds to Create Storm-Resistant Housing Continue Reading »

A videographer stands in front of twelve massive fans, that create what is called a Wall of Wind

NASA Locates Lone Black Hole in the Milky Way for the First Time — and It’s More Massive Than Our Sun

If you think pinning down the position of a black hole sounds complicated, you can imagine how much harder it is to identify one moving 100,000 miles per hour — which makes astronomers’ recent feat so impressive.  For the first time ever, data from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has allowed scientists to record the mass

NASA Locates Lone Black Hole in the Milky Way for the First Time — and It’s More Massive Than Our Sun Continue Reading »

illustration of a black hole in space
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